No one has a greater sense of ENTITLEMENT than the Wealthy. Especially
those of them, who have inherited their wealth. They believe they are ENTITLED to more money, because they have more
money. They believe that Government owes them greater power above the law, than those of us/U.S., who have written the laws.
They believe they are ENTITLED to have the Laws of the Economy, Supersede the Laws of Society, to their benefit. They
are ENTITLED to rig the Laws of trade, making "Free Trade" more "Regulated" and "Rigged"
than Trade. They are ENTITLED to rig the market to profit them, thru insider trading. They feel they are ENTITLED
to take everything we have built in the public interest, privatize it, and siphon it away thru insider trading, to be
owned by them, and maintained by us/U.S.. They are also ENTITLED to have their own private Government to run our Government.
They are ENTITLED to have their own Private Federal Reserve, subsidized by taxpayers, to give them money to multiply
their wealth, in the rigged markets, now that no individuals trust them with money. They are ENTITLED to Privatized
Gains and Socialized Losses. They are ENTITLED to More Representation than Voters thru Citizens United. Their FEDERAL RESERVE,
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ACLU, and LOBBYISTS, are all private branches of government that run our which they
are also ENTITLED. They are ENTITLED to Unregistered Lobbyist Networks disguised as News Organizations to spin their
agenda, and manipulate markets.They believe they are ENTITLED to a hostile take over, and a leveraged buy out, of every
nation, using the money they siphoned out of every nation. They are ENTITLED to spy on us/U.S., and all our Public, and Private
information, while they are ENTITLED to Secrecy! They are even jealous of poor people working three lousy jobs, who make
so little money, they don't pay taxes. These working poor are a result of the conspiracy to pay the lowest wages so we would
subsidize Corporate Payrolls with tax dollars remember? Right Wal-Mart! They are ENTITLED to all government resources and
revenues, and can't stand it when any of that money is given to those who are actually "ENTITLED!" They are
ENTITLED to rig an economic siphon of high speed trade to steal, incorporate it, and call it a person with God given rights,
and a get out of jail free card! I have yet to see a corporation in jail where they belong. Yes I believe when I pay
into something for services for my self, and my neighbor, and I put my money in the bank, I am Entitled to it. YOU CAN'T