Now that lobbyists run our country the slave masters
are really making out great. If you put your money in the bank you will probably lose money on all of the fees, as well as
the fact they charge for checks, and even to close your account. Every one must take risk to make money, because everything
safe, has been eliminated thru deregulation. This Slavery thru Free Markets astounds me. Because the media serves the elites,
you never realize that the Lobbyists, Charitable Trusts, Public Relations Firms, Media Monnopoly, and all of the groups that
grow wealthy providing services, Make no Product. Their wealth, comes at a cost, which far exceeds the worth of
their services. All of the money they risk comes from other sources. They do not risk their money and they do not create jobs.
This is painfully obvious today. They are Socialists Investors and Capitalist Profiteers. WE however, are Capitalist
Investors yet, we do not even have the benefits of Socialist Countries. People who are most likely to use a credit card to
survive desperate times, as well as those of us/U.S. that are better off, are paying a higher interest rate to the Private
Sector, than the rate we pay to the Goverment Sector, for Income Tax.
I'll bet the Democrats can't wait untill they are back in the Minority party where they can safely spell out
the nations business, with out having to deliver legislation that is contrary to who they profess to be. Look at this credit
card legislation. Your credit card rates are higher than what used to be Loan Sharking by definition. 23.99% I believe was
the number. Back when Jimmy Carter got thrown out of office the credit rates where 18 to 22 %. One difference however was
banks paid 8% interest on your money. All of you consumer credit was also deductible. Car Loans, Credit Cards, everything.
Ronald Reagan came in and not only ended the working mans deductions, but he also taxed your benefits. Social Security, Unemployment,
and many other working peoples benefits.
A credit card company is a clearing house
only. That is it. That is all it does. Many services and functions of their business, tap into free services provided by the
taxpayer. Much of the money is risk free as well. The Democrats have now found the Highest Rate possible to charge for credit that
could possibly be charged, with out default. Thanks for Nothing. Are we next headed for a Cashless Society. Credit cards
even Profit from the interest they charge on the tax for the Items purchased. Now you are paying 30% tax to the Private
sector, on the sales tax of the Goverment sector. All corporations that do not make Products should not benefit from
Interest on the tax. They should pay that tax to the government or rebate it to the consumer. All of the companies that recieve
money at the discount window, as well as any Service Sector that does not produce a product should pay a Siphon Tax. After
all they do not produce any thing. They just "Afford" themselves the ability to "Profit", from
"Debt" that most can't "Afford". Profit from Debt Creation, and Profit from Siphoning Liquidity, while
Never making a Product, is Simply Taxation by the Private Sector to benefit the Few. William J.