Sooner, hopefully, than later, more likely,
a person must realize, that we are being deceived. The Beast has not only been running a Ponzi scheme with the Wealth of Uncle
Sam, but as we allow the problem to be resolved by Uncle Fester, small business is being crushed. The Mega Monopolies
of the Globelites who made off, like Madoff, with our wealth, are now eliminating their competitors by freezing credit, while
giving themselves bonuses. It is absolutely amazing how everything is perfectly wrong for us/U.S., and absolutely perfect
for the Siphon Sector. Every time there is a insiders heist of our economy Too Big to Fail gets Fatter, and it's competitors
get Eliminated. "Too Big to Fail" Simply leaves us/U.S., "Too Small to Survive". This of course works
out perfectly for the Globelites. Uncle Fester's sons and daughters, will Inherit all of the eliminated businesses of
Uncle Sam's nieces and nephews. As the Beast swaps our credits, for their defaults, all our problems Fester.
Every crisis we face is a result of Globalization and it's Free Traitors wealth, that bribes our Congress to deregulate..!
Every crisis "FESTERS" while Uncle Sam is bankrupted, then ownership, assets, gains, titles, rights, and
every other item of value held by the taxpaying citizen, and share holder is liquidated. We as a Nation must decide if
Lying, Cheating, Stealing, Counterfeiting, and providing Stock Options, with money taken from a Discount Window, is
Capitalism. We must also decide if not allowing the aforementioned is Socialism. ACCORDING TO THE WALL STREET MEDIA these
rights are constitutionally guaranteed as Capitalism and Preventing Mega Monopolies is Socialism. Here are some terms of
Wall Street, as they would be defined on Main Street. 1. WALL STREET BUNDLING on MAIN
STREET= this is taking two hundred dollar bills, putting one on top and one on the bottom, and putting slices of paper between
them, and calling it a stack of hundreds. 2. CREDIT DEFAULT SWAPS on MAIN STREET= This is when you
take my cash deposits, pension, and annuity, and swap it for all of the debts your businesses incurred because you
liquidated the company with stock options, cooked books, and bad loans. 3. TARP FUND on MAIN STREET= This
is when you stole more money than there is so you have to print more to cover Next Years Bonuses, while not lending it out,
to crush your smaller competitors. 4. LOBBYING on MAIN STREET= This is when you BRIBE people to completely
do what is in the worst interest of the Nation to Benefit the few, no matter how much opposition the voters can muster. 5.
DISCOUNT WINDOW on MAIN STREET= It actually doesn't exist on Main Street, but we know it is the Ultimate tool of Socialism
for the Capitalist investor. WILLIAM J. WAHLSTEEN 11/20/09